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Before we get into one of BC’s many superpowers…
Do you know there is a quicker way to be notified of my new blog posts than waiting for your LinkedIn notifications? That’s right, all you need to do is go to Sharing the Righter Way at and join over 1,000 other subscribers to be the first to know about any new posts. I promise not to use your email for anything other than notifying you of these new posts. You can find the Subscribe box at the bottom right of each page and all you need to provide is your email address to get some of the best information out there on working The Righter Way in Business Central (not that I am biased in any way.)
The reason I started Sharing the Righter WayTM was to address a problem that I was having – finding the documentation I needed to resolve some common and some not so common challenges in setting up and using Business Central. Some of the issues I encountered just required a better understanding of how something works. The documentation I found either came up just a bit short, or didn’t cover what I needed at all. Sometimes, it is about matching physical processes to what you can do in Business Central and it is really hard to find documentation that bridges that gap between functional and technical. And yet other times, it might be dealing with design issues or what some might consider to be bugs.
I can’t promise you will be smarter, taller, shorter, thinner, heavier, better dressed or wealthier because of what you learn here, but I do hope that with this blog’s help you can find the Righter Way to work with Business Central.
One of BC’s many superpowers – The General Journal
In Business Central (BC) when writing a general journal entry users can select customers, vendors, bank accounts, fixed assets, and employees in addition to GL accounts. By selecting these entities as an account type and selecting the customer, vendor, etc. for the entry, on posting not only are GL entries written, but the respective sub-ledgers are also written.
In researching this article, I was very surprised to find the following in the post Work Smarter in Microsoft Dynamics GP: Tips and Tricks Written by: Samantha Vislay. I think it is a great article, and if you are user of GP, you should probably check it out
“Say there’s a lot of things on the sub-ledger that never hit the General Ledger. Go into your sub-ledger and try to find out why these didn’t hit the General Ledger. If you think they should have and they didn’t, you will need to create a journal entry to get them into the General Ledger.”
This is something we just don’t need to worry about in BC. Between Posting Groups (check out a previous post Why auditors love Posting Groups in Business Central), the ability to disable direct posting to any accounts assigned to these posting groups, and selecting customers, vendors, etc. directly in general journals, we just don’t have this problem.
Here is an example of a General Journal with entries using differing account types. Note that no GL Accounts have been used for these entries, however GL Entries along with the subsidiary ledger entries will be posted with this single posting.
General Journal Lines
Preview Posting – all ledgers
In addition to General Journals, this capability also applies to Sales, Purchase, Fixed Asset G/L, Job G/L, Cash Receipt and Payment Journals as well.
Enough said! This is definitely the Righter WayTM!