Problem: In Fixed Assets, need to calculate depreciation from a date prior to the acquisition date posted in Business Central. I didn’t know this was a thing, but I had a customer request it. Came from their auditors. Solution: With BC you can acquire an asset and calculate depreciation in BC for periods prior to…
Posting Job WIP costs from and to different G/L Accounts
Problem: When working with jobs, costs originally posted to various GL Accounts need to be posted to a single WIP GL account then on completion to a single Job Cost Recognized GL account. Is this possible? Answer: Yes. But before diving into the detail, go to the Job Card and personalize the Job Task Lines…
D365 Application Ideas > Business Central Service Order Posting Policy – needs votes
In Business Central we can now limit users from posting to invoice from sales and purchase orders. I think we should have the same ability on Service Orders. Please vote to have Service Invoice Posting Policy to prohibit users from invoicing when posting from Service Order added to User Setup in Business Central. I have…